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Sonatine II

  • Sonatine-III + Bluetooth ROM Module / Data Sheet
  • 티에이직
    조회 수: 545, 2015.08.06 16:01:00
  • 1.1Feature

    • Plays audio from SD card or USB Mass Storage

    • Uses powerful MP3 audio format

    • Both firmware and content can be customized

    • Triggered via USB, UART or IO pins

    • Very simple to use, UART is enough to send commands

    • High performance analog CD quality output

    • Supports low bit rates and various sample rates

    • Operates from a single supply (5V)

    • SPI FLASH for code

    • Micro-SD connector for data storage

    • Most internal nodes are routed to pin headers for easy access and customization



    1.2Block Diagram


티에이직 545 2015.08.06